This one is from 9 days before he passed, on our son's birthday. We have a family party @ the house for the kids on their birthday and bigger party later. J was feeling well enough to get up into his wheelchair to help us celebrate that day. He was a great dad- even if he hadnt felt well enough he probably still wouldve gotten into that wheelchair because of our son's birthday.
Then this picture was from the 26th- 5 days before he passed and a day before he went into the hospital with the infection. He spent 4 days in the hospital and came home on the 30th, then passed on the 31st.
This is also a couple of the last pictures of us together. The first is when I had crawled into his hospital bed (in our room- he was home with hospitce) to cuddle with him for one of the last times and we had both fallen asleep. Being able to sleep in the same bed was something that was few and far between once he was diagnosed. Hospital beds arent exactly built for two, plus when J was hurting or needed to be rolled a certain way or had all of his equipment in bed it was impossible to get in there. I loved the few times I was able to do it.
The second is one of us being goofy one night in our bedroom. We moved all the furniture around in our room to make sure his hospice bed could be close to me and in our bedroom so I could take care of him at any time he needed. We spent time at night watching movies and just enjoying each other, or sometimes grieving and crying and comforting each other. The happier times were always better, it was hard to see him upset and John hated seeing me upset.
Both of these were from a couple of weeks (maybe 2-3 weeks) before his passing.

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